El Despacho está conformado por abogados expertos en materia laboral y de seguridad social, biculturales con experiencia académica y profesional en el extranjero.
Nuestros abogados son miembros activos de diversas organizaciones relacionadas con su especialidad, son continuos expositores y participantes en diversos foros del tema, así como miembros de la Comisión Laboral de la Barra Mexicana Colegio de Abogados.The Firm is made up of bicultural lawyers who are experts in labor and social security matters with academic and professional experience abroad.
Our lawyers are active members of various organizations related to their specialty, are continuous speakers and participants in various forums on the subject, as well as members of the Labor Commission of the Mexican Bar Association.
We have had the opportunity to participate with the Federal Government, parastatal companies, individuals and legal entities, both national and foreign, representative of the various sectors of the economy.
We maintain solid relationships with the main labor unions in the country and we deal year after year with the most representative unions of the various industries of the Mexican Republic, both local and federal.
We have two offices to provide you with the best service and a network of correspondents throughout the Mexican Republic, with the most specialized and representative offices in the matter.